Saturday, December 24, 2011

Procrastination – And When It Isn’t

Most writers struggle with procrastination to a greater or a  lesser degree.  Or at least they believe they do.

After I went through the full set up process for this blog . . . some of which I delayed until after making my introductory post . . . I decided I really should have begun a blog some time ago.

Was that procrastination?

In the context, not really.

Firstly, only recently did I come across information that caused me  to consider a blog a worthwhile thing to do.  So, I did not make it a priority as I should  have done. Most writers struggle with procrastination to a greater or a  lesser degree.  Or at least they believe they do.

Secondly, I have involved myself in a variety of different activities related to marketing my freelancing services.  I’ve submitted a number of client inquiries, and have worked on my LinkedIn network and some other types of writing to build a platform.

So, to some degree, my delay in opening a blog on writing and related topics boils down more to a matter of  prioritization and time and project management.

When a writer puts off certain projects in favor of others, but eventually meets the deadline . . . or, if it’s personally fulfilling writing . . . returns to a pet  project eventually, that’s not procrastination.

That’s simply good sense and managing the writer’s efforts adequately.

For further information on my background and expertise in the area of professional writing, visit my professional website at:

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