Friday, December 23, 2011

Opening thoughts . . .

I named this blog Writings, Etc. because . . . that's what it is.

Let me introduce myself.  I am a professional freelance business, technical, and web content writer.  I'm presently working towards doing more copy writing type of work, especially in the area of catalog copy.

Different types of writing call for different skills and techniques.  However, I  have found that certain writerly characteristics serve writers well across all types of writing.

One characteristic that underlies the making of a good professional writer involves paying attention to detail in the moment to life experience.  Another involves an enjoyment of studying on many topics.

As I prepared to pursue copywriting, I examined my own past articles and web content for the sorts of topics I've written about the most.  I identified seven potential "niche" areas I could pursue in the copywriting world.

Those include lifelong learning and educational services, the crafts of knitting and crocheting, horse-related topics including riding apparel, the household goods market, reading and books, toys and games, and the travel and tourism industry.

Additionally, three my spec samples for three of those niches represent at least two other sub-niches.  Those are spirituality and religion, and personal development along the lines of setting goals and planning one's work and marketing efforts. 

The sub-niches in some ways overlap with good writing planning and techniques.

So, I will try to tie in the blog posts to writing, but some of my posts may focus on some of these niche areas.

To know more about me as a writer, please visit my professional writer's website at:

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