Well, due to circumstances, I'm going to do two -- maybe even three -- posts one right
after the other, after a prolonged absence from this blog.
The third will depend on if I have time on public computers before everyone closes for the Easter holiday.
The first is the 'catch up' that gives some information on my absence since my last post. This has been more necessity than desire (such absence.)
And, this post will not go into detail, because that gets more personal than I feel comfortable with at this time.
The bottom line is that I have just moved to a new location. Indeed, I have only nominally 'moved,' since circumstances necessitated getting into a location without the benefit of things like furnishings or even a budget for such appointments to the new place. I have some minimal things, but minimal they are.
I have actually been displaced from my prior location, living in a series of different temporary quarters, for approximately 12 weeks, during which time I had immediate access to Internet from a, so-to-speak, 'home base' only for the first two or three weeks.
So, I have been relying on public computers. Fortunately, the general community location where I am offers a variety of such public locations where I can do so.
Combined with that, much of what time I did have available on computers went into work search, housing search, and dealing with communications with paying clients or potential paying clients, and a fourth area we'll leave for one of the two posts I have planned as immediately following this one as possible.
On the up side, I'm happy to report that I currently have full-time or near-full time project work, and three freelance clients [two in writing and one in merchandising] with varying levels of activity needed by each of them.
Overall, the relocation circumstances have been rather traumatic, and I haven't had time or energy to work through that aspect as yet. I don't want to go into detail, but suffice it to say there are some legalities involved in the overall situation.
It is nice to finally be in a place where I can relax, unwind, do some cooking, and that sort of thing.
This year, that was a nice Easter bonus.
I will be online directly at home soon, and in the interim and able to access several different facilities with public computers sufficient to my immediate needs for my existing clients.
However, it will be a couple more weeks or so before all that gets fully squared away.
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